Independent evaluation of development impact bonds

Location Multi-country

The Project

We provided inputs to the independent evaluation of the Development Impact Bonds (DIBs Pilot Programme).  The purpose of the evaluation was to generate learning and recommendations on the use of DIBs as an instrument for aid delivery. It examined the experience of the UK Aid DIBs pilot programme and generated learning to inform FCDO’s future policy aiming to make the most effective use of DIBs. The evaluation guided FCDO and pilot project partners evaluate whether the tools they were developing were useful, scalable and replicable.


  • Involvement in 5 year evaluation
  • Contributed to learning on assessing value for money of this relatively new aid financing model

Related Resources


ECORYS second wave evaluation of DIBs

LAMP contributed to the costing analysis component of the mid-line evaluation, which examines how the Development Impact Bond (DIB) model affects the design, delivery, performance and effectiveness of development interventions + recommendations.

  • External publication with LAMP contribution
  • Report / Evaluation
  • March 16, 2021


ECORYS evaluation of Development Impact Bonds pilot programme

LAMP contributed to costing analysis component of end-line evaluation which examines implications of pilot DIBs programme for future programming.

  • External publication with LAMP contribution
  • Report / Evaluation
  • September 23, 2019

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