
Our projects include economic evaluations, bespoke insight studies and on-going support to programme teams.

Project / 2023

VFM for Fleming Fund Phase 1 independent evaluation

Working with Itad, LAMP developed an approach and provided support to implement the value for money component of the Phase 1 evaluation.

  • Multi-country
  • Health
  • Evaluation
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Project / 2023

Independent evaluation of development impact bonds

LAMP provided input to the evaluation of a development impact bonds programme. Our work developed learning on the assessment of value for money for the relatively new aid financing model.

  • Multi-country
  • Development Impact Bonds
  • Evaluation
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Project / 2023

UKNIAF VFM support to third-party monitor 

LAMP provided technical expertise on value for money for the Technical Review Panel of UKNIAF, an infrastructure programme in Nigeria.

  • Nigeria
  • Infrastructure
  • Analysis
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Project / 2023

VFM support to Saving Lives in Sierra Leone programme

LAMP provided support to MELR on measurement and management of value for money from inception to end of programme + endline evaluation.

  • Sierra Leone
  • Health
  • Partner
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Project / 2023

ARISE NTD coverage evaluation – cost analysis

As part of an evaluation conducted by Verian Global, LAMP conducted a costing analysis for a neglected tropical diseases control programme.

  • Multi-country
  • Health
  • Evaluation
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Project / 2023

Faya impact evaluation

LAMP conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis of a programme that aimed to increase access to SRH education for young people.

  • Kenya
  • Health
  • Evaluation
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Project / 2023

Skills for Prosperity VFM reviews & capacity building

LAMP provided technical support to the Skills for Prosperity (S4P) Hub on value for money (VFM), capacity building on VFM across 10 country programmes and development of reporting frameworks to provide portfolio level analysis.

  • Multi-country
  • Health & Education
  • Partner
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Project / 2023

TARGET Ethiopia VFM support

Value for money (VFM) expertise and support to TARGET Ethiopia. Included a review of the VFM framework and strategy & VFM reviews for mid-line and endline evaluations.

  • Ethiopia
  • Education
  • Partner
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Project / 2023

One Acre Fund cost effectiveness analysis

A ​​cost-effectiveness analysis of OAF’s nutrition intervention, including a Social and Behaviour Change Communication component

  • Kenya
  • Health
  • Analysis
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Whether you’re an organisation wanting to improve your efficiency and effectiveness, a consultant with skills and expertise to share, or if you just want to find out more about our work, we’d love to hear from you.