LAMP partners with external evaluators and third-party monitors (TPM) to help evaluate cost, efficiency, effectiveness, equity and sustainability of development programmes. We provide specialised value for money (VFM) inputs, including cost and cost-effectiveness analysis. We also assess programme systems for measuring and managing VFM, to help programmes identify how to use and adjust their resources to deliver the greatest benefits for the communities they serve. Throughout the evaluation process we aim to strengthen monitoring frameworks and provide strategic recommendations, to help programmes achieve longer-term change through learning and adaptation.
LAMP provided input to the evaluation of SRKS programme including a value for money assessment. Provided support to produce cost data previously unavailable for analysis.
End-of-programme value for money assessment of M4D examined improvements achieved by the programme in terms of service delivery, accountability and inclusion.
As part of an evaluation conducted by Verian Global, LAMP conducted a costing analysis for a neglected tropical diseases control programme.
Academic paper reviewing framework and methods for cost-effectiveness analysis for education and health interventions.
LAMP contributed efficiency and sustainability analysis to this evaluation which used multi-method data collection to review SLiSL programme and developed recommendations for future programming.
ITAD’s report summarises the end-line evaluation of a Nigerian governance programme which included VFM analysis from LAMP.
Whether you’re an organisation wanting to improve your efficiency and effectiveness, a consultant with skills and expertise to share, or if you just want to find out more about our work, we’d love to hear from you.