The Fleming Fund Phase is £265 million programme funded by the UK government (Department of Health) to invest in improving laboratory capacity for diagnosis and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in low-income countries, where AMR has a disproportionate impact.
Phase 1 of the programme started in 2017 and ran for 5 years. It had various objectives:
• Strengthen surveillance of drug resistance
• Build laboratory capacity for diagnosis
• Collect data on drug resistance
• Enable sharing of data
• Collating and analysing data on sale of antibiotics/antimicrobial medicine
• Advocacy – promoting rational use of antibiotics
• Design a sustainable system for AMR surveillance and data sharing
Working with Itad, LAMP developed an approach for the VFM aspect of the evaluation of the Fleming Fund and provided support to implement the VFM component of the Phase 1 evaluation.
LAMP continues to work with Itad for the evaluation of Phase 2 of the Fleming Fund.
This report by Itad, describes signs of sustainable progress in AMR in Kenya and other countries with investment from the Fleming Fund. LAMP contributed to the stories of change research, documenting success...
LAMP contributes to the evaluation of Fleming Fund. This is a summary of a review of common practices assessing VFM in grant management and fellowship programmes.
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