Location: Sierra Leone


VFM support to Saving Lives in Sierra Leone programme

LAMP provided support to MELR on measurement and management of value for money from inception to end of programme + endline evaluation.


IRMNH VFM benchmarking & cost-effectiveness analysis

Value for money benchmarking study and cost effectiveness analysis, compared the Integrated Reproductive Maternal & Newborn Health (IRMNH) programme with similar programmes in the region.


Endline evaluation for programme supporting youth in Sierra Leone

For the Strengthening Referral Pathways from Street to School programme, LAMP partnered with a local consultancy and led the efficiency aspect of the evaluation, combining cost, quantitative and qualitative analysis.


Post-natal care services case study

Case-study approach investigated value for money within two programmes implementing post-natal care services for women and children and identified ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness

  • Analysis
  • LAMP on December 15, 2016

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