A collection of articles and papers which explore concepts used in VfM in more depth and provide explanation of some of the techniques which we and others use in conducting VfM analysis.
NAO approach to assessing value for money, on which UK FCDO’s approach to value for money is based.
Updated 2nd edition, practical guidance for assessing value for money in international development programmes.
The Green Book is guidance issued by the UK’s HM Treasury on how to appraise policies, programmes and projects. This is a supplementary guide on value for money.
A review of literature, and case study analysis, examines VFM used for adaptive programmes. Discusses ways of approaching, measuring and managing VFM and its challenges.
Explains what FCDO means by value for money (VFM), describing the key principles for understanding VFM, how to develop VFM metrics, common misconceptions and recommendations.
Outlines the main measures taken by the Peacebuilding Fund to ensure value for money on projects including an assessment checklist.
An overview of evaluation approaches and methods used in international development evaluation. There is information on further reading for each approach.
An analytical framework for approaching value for money that can be applied at project, portfolio and organisational levels.
GALI explores key questions about enterprise acceleration. This methods brief examines value for money for accelerators and how to incorporate data collection and programme assessments.
A guide and practical framework for the design, implementation and reporting of cost estimates, to ensure best practice during data collection and analysis.
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