A selection of our own publications as well as resources from other organisations we’ve found useful.
ITAD’s report summarises the end-line evaluation of a Nigerian governance programme which included VFM analysis from LAMP.
An overview of evaluation approaches and methods used in international development evaluation. There is information on further reading for each approach.
LAMP contributed to costing analysis component of end-line evaluation which examines implications of pilot DIBs programme for future programming.
A practical guide providing advice and tips on VFM frameworks.
An analytical framework for approaching value for money that can be applied at project, portfolio and organisational levels.
A practical guide providing advice and tips on VFM strategies.
Our thoughts on how economic appraisals can help answer the question – is this aid project a good return on investment?
GALI explores key questions about enterprise acceleration. This methods brief examines value for money for accelerators and how to incorporate data collection and programme assessments.
A guide and practical framework for the design, implementation and reporting of cost estimates, to ensure best practice during data collection and analysis.
Whether you’re an organisation wanting to improve your efficiency and effectiveness, a consultant with skills and expertise to share, or if you just want to find out more about our work, we’d love to hear from you.