LAMP conducts economic assessments (including costing analysis, equity costing analysis, and cost-effectiveness analysis) to support individual organisations and complex donor-funded programmes to measure and improve their impact. Tailored to the specific needs of each client, our analysis combines quantitative and qualitative methods; collaboration with programme teams; and participatory data collection and verification methods. Bolstered by detailed final reports containing both findings and practical recommendations, our approach strengthens programme capacity to measure and track how resources are used to achieve results.
A cost-effectiveness analysis of OAF’s nutrition intervention, including a Social and Behaviour Change Communication component
Value for money benchmarking study and cost effectiveness analysis, compared the Integrated Reproductive Maternal & Newborn Health (IRMNH) programme with similar programmes in the region.
Case-study approach investigated value for money within two programmes implementing post-natal care services for women and children and identified ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness
Whether you’re an organisation wanting to improve your efficiency and effectiveness, a consultant with skills and expertise to share, or if you just want to find out more about our work, we’d love to hear from you.