
LAMP partners with external evaluators and third-party monitors (TPM) to help evaluate cost, efficiency, effectiveness, equity and sustainability of development programmes. We provide specialised value for money (VFM) inputs, including cost and cost-effectiveness analysis. We also assess programme systems for measuring and managing VFM, to help programmes identify how to use and adjust their resources to deliver the greatest benefits for the communities they serve. Throughout the evaluation process we aim to strengthen monitoring frameworks and provide strategic recommendations, to help programmes achieve longer-term change through learning and adaptation. 

Related Evaluation Projects

Project / 2023

Independent evaluation of development impact bonds

LAMP provided input to the evaluation of a development impact bonds programme. Our work developed learning on the assessment of value for money for the relatively new aid financing model.

  • Multi-country
  • Development Impact Bonds
  • Evaluation
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Project / 2023

VFM for Fleming Fund Phase 1 independent evaluation

Working with Itad, LAMP developed an approach and provided support to implement the value for money component of the Phase 1 evaluation.

  • Multi-country
  • Health
  • Evaluation
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Project / 2023

ARISE NTD coverage evaluation – cost analysis

As part of an evaluation conducted by Verian Global, LAMP conducted a costing analysis for a neglected tropical diseases control programme.

  • Multi-country
  • Health
  • Evaluation
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Related Evaluation Resources


VFM thought piece – economic appraisals

Our thoughts on how economic appraisals can help answer the question – is this aid project a good return on investment?

  • LAMP publication
  • Thought Piece / Evaluation
  • June 18, 2019


Saving Lives in Sierra Leone endline review

LAMP contributed efficiency and sustainability analysis to this evaluation which used multi-method data collection to review SLiSL programme and developed recommendations for future programming.

  • External publication with LAMP contribution
  • Report / Evaluation
  • August 29, 2023


LSHTM GHCC reference case for estimating costs of Global Health services

A guide and practical framework for the design, implementation and reporting of cost estimates, to ensure best practice during data collection and analysis.

  • External publication
  • Tools and Guidance / Evaluation
  • November 16, 2018

Work with us

Whether you’re an organisation wanting to improve your efficiency and effectiveness, a consultant with skills and expertise to share, or if you just want to find out more about our work, we’d love to hear from you.