A selection of our own publications as well as resources from other organisations we’ve found useful.
The Green Book is guidance issued by the UK’s HM Treasury on how to appraise policies, programmes and projects. This is a supplementary guide on value for money.
Our learning on measuring VFM by output, based on our experience of supporting programme implementers. This was a new requirement at the time from UK’s FCDO.
LAMP analysed the impact of COVID-19 on MNCH funding in 3 states in Nigeria. Here, E4A reflects on the findings and recommendations, shared with stakeholders in ministries and SLAMs.
A review of literature, and case study analysis, examines VFM used for adaptive programmes. Discusses ways of approaching, measuring and managing VFM and its challenges.
LAMP contributed to the costing analysis component of the mid-line evaluation, which examines how the Development Impact Bond (DIB) model affects the design, delivery, performance and effectiveness of development interventions + recommendations.
LAMP contributes to the evaluation of Fleming Fund. This is a summary of a review of common practices assessing VFM in grant management and fellowship programmes.
Explains what FCDO means by value for money (VFM), describing the key principles for understanding VFM, how to develop VFM metrics, common misconceptions and recommendations.
Our thoughts on the challenges as well as potential solutions requiredto improve the measurement and application of value for money.
Outlines the main measures taken by the Peacebuilding Fund to ensure value for money on projects including an assessment checklist.
Whether you’re an organisation wanting to improve your efficiency and effectiveness, a consultant with skills and expertise to share, or if you just want to find out more about our work, we’d love to hear from you.