Project Category: Partner


Skills for Prosperity VFM reviews & capacity building

LAMP provided technical support to the Skills for Prosperity (S4P) Hub on value for money (VFM), capacity building on VFM across 10 country programmes and development of reporting frameworks to provide portfolio level analysis.

  • Partner
  • LAMP on March 15, 2022


TARGET Ethiopia VFM support

Value for money (VFM) expertise and support to TARGET Ethiopia. Included a review of the VFM framework and strategy & VFM reviews for mid-line and endline evaluations.

  • Partner
  • LAMP on December 16, 2021


Lafiya – UK Support for Health in Nigeria

During inception of Lafiya programme LAMP developed the value for money (VFM) strategy and now provides support to embed measurement and management of VFM within the programme.

  • Partner
  • LAMP on November 24, 2020


Measuring impact and efficiency of knowledge brokering platforms

LAMP supported the London School of Economics to develop the monitoring and evaluation framework for African Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (AO-HSP), with a greater focus on efficiency and impact.

  • Partner
  • LAMP on September 23, 2020


VFM support to WISH2ACTION

LAMP developed the value for money (VFM) strategy and framework and provided continuous support throughout programme including costing analyses, VFM assessments and a series of VFM training webinars.

  • Partner
  • LAMP on September 23, 2020


VFM support to Saving Lives in Sierra Leone programme

LAMP provided support to MELR on measurement and management of value for money from inception to end of programme + endline evaluation.


Scaling Up Family Planning Programme VFM analysis

LAMP reviewed the value for money framework for SUFP programme, provided support to programme team, and conducted Year 1 VFM assessment.

  • Partner
  • LAMP on March 4, 2018


Nepal Health System Support Programme 3 VFM analysis

LAMP developed a VFM framework to demonstrate and improve the VFM of the programme, including metrics for equity, and conducted a rapid VFM assessment of programme.


Voices for Change Value for Money analysis

LAMP provided support to V4C to strengthen internal processes for routine monitoring and reporting of VFM. LAMP revised analysis templates, conducted training and facilitated VFM assessments.


Strengthening Action Against Corruption VFM strategy

LAMP worked with the programme to design a value for money strategy, and updated the strategy and framework during implementation. Included workshop with programme managers and training on VFM.

  • Partner
  • LAMP on January 27, 2017

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